Meet the Cash Fanatics Digital Currency (FCH, New)

by MDInvest, New

Cash or FCH fanatics is an encrypted digital currency built from the X13 algorithm. Originally from a Fork of the Coin Sperocoin, one of the official partners of The Crypto Fanatics. The FCH network will remain from mining in PoS ( Prof-of-Stake) and PoW ( Prof-of-Work), which ensures greater security against attempts…

MDtoken with rate of 0% in fcexchange transactions

by MDInvest, New

FCExchange has made available 0% in all transactions of purchase and sale of MDtokens throughout the month of December 2019, our customers have an excellent opportunity to acquire our tokens without paying fees for transactions. Access the pairs available for purchase and sale:

CoinGecko Platform Lists MDToken

by MDInvest, New

The Coingecko Digital Currency Pricing and Capitalization Platform, performed the mdtk token listing process after some analysis, providing greater transparency and relation to the values of the digital asset created by MDInvest. Soon the asset will also be available in new exchanges which will provide the insertion on new platforms…