What is coronavirus?
Coronavirus (IA10) is a family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. The new agent of coronavirus wasdiscovered in 31/12/19 after cases registered in China. Causes the disease called coronavirus (COVID-19).
The first human coronaviruses were isolated for the first time in 1937. However, was in 1965 that the virus has been described as coronavirus, due to the microscopy profile, looking like a crown.
Most people get infected with common coronaviruses throughout life, young children are more likely to become infected with the most common type of virus. The most common coronaviruses that infect humans are alpha coronavirus 229E and NL63 and beta coronavirus OC43, HKU1, New Year.
How to protect yourself?
- Wash your hands frequently up to the height of the cuffs, with soap and water, or sanitize with gel alcohol 70%.
- When coughing or sneezing, cover nose and mouth with scarf or arm, and not with your hands.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. When playing, always wash your hands as already indicated.
- Keep a minimum distance of about 2 meters of anyone coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid hugs, kisses and handshakes. Adopt friendly behavior without physical contact, but always with a smile on his face.
- Often sanitize children's mobile phones and toys.
- Do not share personal objects, like cutlery, Towels, plates and glasses.
- Keep environments clean and well ventilated.
- Avoid unnecessary street traffic. If you can, stay at home.
- If you are sick, avoid physical contact with others, especially the elderly and chronically ill, and stay at home until you get better.
- Sleep well and have a healthy diet.
How coronavirus is diagnosed?
Coronavirus is diagnosed with the collection of respiratory materials (airway aspiration or sputum induction). It is necessary to collect two samples in the suspicion of coronavirus.
The two samples will be urgently forwarded to the Central Public Health Laboratory (Lacen, New).
One of the samples will be sent to the National Influenza Center (Nic) and another sample will be sent for metagenomicanalysis.
To confirm the disease it is necessary to perform molecular biology tests that detect viral RNA. Coronavirus diagnosis is made with sample collection, indicated whenever the identification of a suspicious case occurs.
It is oriented to the collection of nasopharynx aspirate (Anf) or combined swabs (nasal/oral) or also lower respiratory secretion sample (sputum or tracheal washed or washed alveolar scolding).
Severe cases should be referred to a Referral Hospital for isolation and treatment. Mild cases should be followed by Primary Health Care (Aps) and established household precautionary measures.
How a suspected case of coronavirus is defined?
In view of the confirmation of the case of coronavirus in Brazil and considering the dispersion of the virus in the world. The Health Surveillance Secretariat of the Ministry of Health informs that from 01 March of 2020, the following operational definitions for national public health are in force.
Any hospital can receive a patient with coronavirus?
For correct clinical management from initial contact with health services, it is necessary to consider and differentiate each case.
Severe cases should be referred to a state Referral Hospital for isolation and treatment.
Mild suspected cases may not require hospitalization, being accompanied by Primary Care and established household precautionary measures. However, it is necessary to evaluate each case.
Access here the list ofHospitals who provide care.
Access here the list ofBasic Health Units who provide care in their municipality. TO BA SE PE AL RN CE CE PI MA AP PA RR AM AC RO MT MS GO PR SC RS SP MG RJ ES DF PBBrowse the interactive map and check out the reference hospital closest to your home
Case notification
All cases must be registered by public and private services, via the electronic form available at thehttp://bit.ly/2019-ncov, within the first 24 hours from the clinical suspicion.
Human infection by 2019-nCoV is a Public Health Emergency of International Importance (ESPII, New Year), annex II of the International Health Regulations. So, this is a public health event of immediate notification.
How to Notify the Strategic Health Surveillance Information Center (CIEVS, New Year)?
Immediate notification should be carried out by the fastest available means of communication, in up to 24 hours from the knowledge of the case that fits into the definition of suspect, as determined by Consolidation Ordinance No. 04, Annex V, chapter I, section I (http://j.mp/portariadeconsolidacao4ms). The CIEVS Network has the following means to receive notification of suspected cases of the new coronavirus and other public health events:
By determination of the World Health Organization, countries should send standardized information of suspected cases occurring on their territory.
Considering the lack of an information system that addresses this information, the Ministry of Health recommends that all cases notified to the, Federal District and Municipalities, are transcribed into this form within up to 24 hours from the knowledge of the case. If you wish, at the end of submission, the form allows an electronic file to be generated and can be saved by the user.
Cid 10 – Human infection by the new Coronavirus (2019-nCoV): the code for case registration, according to the settings, will be U07.1 - Infection by the new Coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
When filling out the electronic notification form, download the PDF from the notification form and send it electronically to the local authority, if the notification is private or public unit.
What Are the Reference Laboratories for Coronavirus?
All public or private laboratories that identify cases confirmed for the first time, adopting the specific exam for SARS-CoV2 (RT-PCR, by the Charité protocol), must undergo validation of one of the three national reference laboratories, are they:
- 1. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz/RJ) Or
- 2. Evandro Chagas Institute of the Health Surveillance Secretariat (IEC/SVS) in the State of Pará OU
- 3. Adolfo Lutz Institute of the Health Department of the State of São Paulo.
After quality validation, the laboratory will be considered part of the National Network of Alert and Response to Emergencies in Public Health (CIEVS NETWORK). They must forward sample aliquot to the National Bank of Coronavirus Samples, to investigate the viral profile of Coronavirus in the national territory, through one of the three national laboratories above.
- Fever may not be present in some cases such as, for example, in young patients, Elderly, immunosuppressed or who in some situations may have used anti-thermal medicine. In these situations, clinical evaluation should be taken into account and the decision should be recorded in the notification form.
- Close contact is set to: approximately two meters from a patient with suspected case due to new coronavirus, within the same room or service area, for an extended period, no use of personal protective equipment (Epi). Close contact may include: Take care, Live, visit or share an area or waiting room for medical care or, Still, in cases of direct contact with body fluids, while not using the recommended PPE.

Photo: Luis Oliveira / Ms
The Ministry of Health carries out daily monitoring of the situation with the World Health Organization (Who), that accompanies the subject from the first case notifications in Wuhan, in China, on the day 31 December of 2019.
The Brazilian Federal Government has adopted several actions to monitor and improve the country's capacity to act in the face of the episode that occurred in China.
Among them is the adoption of the measures recommended by the WHO; notification of the Ports area, Airports and Borders of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa); notification of the Animal Surveillance area of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Map); and notification to the Health Departments of the States and Municipalities, other Secretariats of the Ministry of Health and other federal agencies based on official data, avoiding restrictive and disproportionate measures in relation to the risks to the health and transit of persons, goods and goods.
The Ministry of Health also installed the Emergency Operations Center (Coe) – Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) which aims to prepare the public health network to attend possible cases in Brazil.
The COE is composed of technicians specialising in responding to public health emergencies. In addition to the Ministry of Health, the pan-American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), the Evandro Chagas Institute (Iec), in addition to other organs. In this way, the country will be able to respond in a unified and immediate way to the entry of the virus into Brazilian territory.
For better monitoring of the new Caronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), COE makes use of the IVIS Platform, this tool integrates the information produced by the Health Information Systems managed by the Health Surveillance Secretariat and presents the main health indicators. Health managers and workers, as well as the general population, easily know the health situation in the states and Brazil. Contributes to the improvement of Health Surveillance, understood as a continuous and systematic process of collection, Consolidation, data analysis and dissemination of information on health-related events, planning and implementing public health measures, including regulation, intervention and action in health conditions and determinants, for the protection and promotion of the health of the population, risk prevention and control, injuries and diseases.
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